The rise of JavaScript frameworks

August, 2020 · 8 min read

Google released Angular in 2010. It marked the start of a revolution in web development, giving a rapid rise to the popularity of JavaScript frameworks. In addition to Angular, React, released by Facebook, and Vue, together dominate this space.

Google Trends for the search terms “angular js”, “react js” and “vue js”.
Google Trends for the search terms “angular js”, “react js” and “vue js”.

While having the backing of Google and Facebook certainly helps, what sparked it? Is there something fundamentally different about the web today? What types of problems are these JavaScript frameworks solving?

From pages to applications

When Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989, he envisioned websites serving documents in the form of HTML pages. Documents, although static, could link to each other through the use of anchor tags.

The Internet took off. A browser war started brewing between Netscape and Internet Explorer. To gain the upper hand, Netscape introduced JavaScript in 1995, paving the way for dynamic behavior on HTML pages. Web developers could now implement drop-down menus, alert dialogs, and form validation.

But a challenge remained. Sending a user action to the server, even the slightest, required them to load a new page. They lost context, and used excess bandwidth – a poor user experience altogether, in addition to putting unnecessary strain on the server.

Browser vendors began working towards a solution, arriving at the XMLHttpRequest API.

One of the first websites to roll out a cross-browser implementation of it was Gmail when it launched in 2004. To delete an email, we no longer had to reload our inbox. And while the request was pending, our browser didn’t freeze up, giving us the freedom to view other emails.

The following year, in 2005, this technique of not having to load a new page gained its name: Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). All of a sudden, more and more static HTML pages came to life!

In short, websites have become significantly more interactive over the years. They’ve gone from serving pages to serving so-called single-page applications. So, where does React, Vue, and Angular come into the picture? As it turns out, building applications involve a set of challenges.

What’s different about an application?

The first difference between a page and an application lies in the necessity of keeping track of state. When visiting a page, a user’s session (stored in a cookie) and requested URL is enough. Neither of those even need JavaScript.

In an application, particularly a single-page one, we need to store more information locally. Is the user logged in? What is their name and the URL to their profile picture? What data have we loaded from an API? Are we still loading that data? Are they viewing a profile page right now, and whose?

The second difference involves the need to modify existing HTML whenever the state changes. When browsers load HTML, they create and provide programmatic access to a tree structure called the DOM (Document Object Model). DOM manipulations come at a cost as the browser needs to re-render content.

With these two differences in mind, let’s demonstrate how we’d create a bare-bones chat application without a JavaScript framework. Focusing only on the essential parts, we’ll go through different approaches and discuss their challenges.

A bare-bones messaging app

A bare-bones chat application.
A bare-bones chat application.

Imagine we’re creating a chat application, showing the last 20 messages. Users can post new ones, and for successive messages of the same author, we omit their names.

If we chose not to create it as an application, we’d have the server return the entire chat:

<div class="messages">
  {{#each messages}}
    <div class="message">
      {{#if displayAuthor}}
        <div class="author-name">
      <div class="content">
The template used by the server to generate the HTML.

It carries several drawbacks: the server sends redundant data, users need to refresh to see updates, and the browser has to render everything for every update.

In the first version of our application, we introduce some JavaScript that listens to updates from the server. To keep our client simple, it will receive updates as an HTML string containing all messages, including old ones. Here’s how the DOM manipulation code looks like:

function updateMessages(html) {
  document.querySelector('.messages').outerHTML = html;
(First version) A straightforward way to prevent having to refresh the browser.

Although trivial to implement, we’ve only eliminated the drawback of having to refresh. The entire element containing all messages is still re-rendered on every new message.

For version two, we make some improvements to the server, so it, in addition to the initial HTML, sends new messages individually. The server also adds attributes to the HTML it outputs, allowing our client to distinguish between authors:

<div class="messages">
  <div class="message" data-author-id="4">
    <div class="author-name">
    <div class="content">
      good morning
  <div class="message" data-author-id="12">
    <div class="author-name">
    <div class="content">
      hey man
  <div class="message" data-author-id="4">
    <div class="author-name">
    <div class="content">
      how’re things going?
  <div class="message" data-author-id="4">
    <div class="content">
      heard the new iPhone’s going well
(Second version) The initial HTML output by the server, containing author IDs.

For subsequent messages, the client will add and keep them to 20 at most, while handling author names:

function addMessage(html) {
  const messagesElement = document.querySelector('.messages');
  messagesElement.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html);

  const messages = document.querySelectorAll('.message');

  const addedMessage = messages[messages.length - 1];
  const previousMessage = addedMessage[messages.length - 2];

  if (
    previousMessage?.getAttribute('data-author-id') ===
  ) {

  if (messages.length > 20) {
    const oldestMessage = messages[0];
    const newOldestMessage = messages[1];

    if (
      oldestMessage.getAttribute('data-author-id') ===
    ) {
      const authorElement = oldestMessage.querySelector('.author-name').outerHTML;
      newOldestMessage.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', authorElement);


  <div class="message" data-author-id="4">
    <div class="author-name">
    <div class="content">
      are you there?
(Second version) The code on the client that adds a message from the server.

By adding some code, we’ve minimized the amount of re-rendering needed for each new message. Although the server still sends redundant data, we can move the templating logic to the client with relative ease.

Amount of code vs. amount of re-rendering

The chat application we’ve created is indeed bare-bones – it has no support for edits, deletions, emojis, rich text, reactions, and replying in a thread.

As we saw in the second version of our application, to reduce re-renders, we had to write code to transform the DOM. If we were to implement a feature-rich chat, we would end up with copious amounts of code.

Another important aspect is that the code we’ve written is imperative. It describes how new messages are added and how the DOM is traversed to handle author names.

Creating a web application this way, while minimizing unnecessary re-renders and keeping the codebase maintainable, is challenging as it grows in complexity.

The powerful abstraction of Angular, React, and Vue

What JavaScript frameworks solve is allowing us to express HTML transformations in a declarative way. Instead of describing how they are carried out, we describe what the HTML will be in different circumstances. The framework will then, under the hood, determine an efficient way of manipulating the DOM and carry it out.

Below is how we could implement the same chat application using React:

const initialMessages = [
    id: 25,
    authorId: 4,
    authorName: 'Bill',
    content: 'good morning',
    id: 26,
    authorId: 12,
    authorName: 'Steve',
    content: 'hey man',
    id: 28,
    authorId: 4,
    authorName: 'Bill',
    content: 'how’re things going?',
    id: 29,
    authorId: 4,
    authorName: 'Bill',
    content: 'heard the new iPhone’s going well',

const newMessage = {
  id: 30,
  authorId: 4,
  authorName: 'Bill',
  content: 'are you there?',

const Chat = () => {
  const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]);

  useEffect(() => {
    // on initial messages and new messages
    // setMessages(messages.concat(newMessage).slice(-20));
  }, []);

  return <Messages messages={messages} />

const Messages = ({ messages }) => (
  <div className="messages">
    {, i) => {
      let author;

      if (messages[i - 1]?.authorId !== message.authorId) {
        author = <div className="author-name">{message.authorName}</div>;

      return (
        <div key={} className="message">
Parts of the chat implemented in React. Notice how we’re not transforming any HTML.

What stands out is that we no longer have code that describes how to change the HTML. Instead, React requires us to define what variables make up the state. In our case, the state is simply the messages array.

Further, React requires us to describe how the state maps to HTML. React also wants us to be explicit about state changes (through calling setMessages) to know when to check for and perform the necessary DOM manipulations.

In other words, we express the HTML as a pure function of the state. The only transformations left to us are those applied to simple data structures. While our chat application might currently be too simple for it to be apparent – as we add more features, we’ll notice that this approach produces code that is easier to grok.